Thursday, June 13, 2013

And so it begins

Austin have hit the mark at 26 months now to climb out of the crib.... You could say to the least that we are notvery happy  about this. So this all started last weekend when we went to watch Daniel and Cath's boys on Friday night till late sat morning were Nona then took over till Sunday night. This was the first not in a crib sleep over that we were attempting with Austin to say the least climbed out of that pack and play like he was superman no trouble at all. Knew that night was going to be a long one and it did ended that Austin ended up sleeping in bed with me and Travis on a twin bed alone that night :) Austin kicked him out of the big bed with me :) so here we are a week later Austin gets the bright idea hey I am going to see if I can climb out of the crib and hey what do you know I can so here we are now 2.5 hours past bed time waiting to see if we can get him tried enough to sleep in his crib or his big boy bed that ate both I'm the same room. He cried for a long time when we tried the whole shut and lock the door thing didn't sleep when I got him he had his pillow an Blakey in his hands asking to get up and screaming and banging and knocking on the door like Sheldon from Big Bang does on Penny's door but for daddy.

1 comment:

  1. Hey! How have you guys been, haven't seen you forever. Good luck with the climbing out of the bed, I think we might be running into that in the next few months! Miss you guys!
